Selasa, 09 Agustus 2011

Tribute to Nature "Fauna" - Fotografi

Sesekali mencoba memaksakan kemauan memotret sesuatu yang kecil yang biasanya dikerjakan dengan lensa makro. Keterbatasan jadi alasan yang gak bisa dihindari. Semuanya karena belum adanya budget buat membeli lensa makro yang masih diluar jangkauan kami. Coba saja lihat foto yang diambil dari lingkungan sekitar kami ini.

1. Ninja

Photoshop, the best photoshop edited, the best photography, the best photography 2013, simple, the best art work, the best art work 2013, the best design, the best studio, the best graphic, thebest design 2013, the best graphic design 2013, the best 2013, the best layout, layout, in design, facebook, facebook profile, photo profile, profile picture, trace, art, work, art work, desain terbaik, karya desain terbaik, karya desain terbaik 2013, grafis terbaik, desain grafis terbaik, grafis terbaik 2013, 
terbaik 2013, tata letak terbaik, tata letak, pp, facebook, profil facebook, foto profil, tracing, seni, karya, karya seni, karya desain, Adobe, Ai, Digital Imaging, Layout, Photography, Photoshop, Poster, Rekayasa digital, Adobe,fotografi, Photography, Photoshop, Nature, Tribute, Fauna, Animal

2. Bersembunyi

Photoshop, the best photoshop edited, the best photography, the best photography 2013, simple, the best art work, the best art work 2013, the best design, the best studio, the best graphic, thebest design 2013, the best graphic design 2013, the best 2013, the best layout, layout, in design, facebook, facebook profile, photo profile, profile picture, trace, art, work, art work, desain terbaik, karya desain terbaik, karya desain terbaik 2013, grafis terbaik, desain grafis terbaik, grafis terbaik 2013, 
terbaik 2013, tata letak terbaik, tata letak, pp, facebook, profil facebook, foto profil, tracing, seni, karya, karya seni, karya desain, Adobe, Ai, Digital Imaging, Layout, Photography, Photoshop, Poster, Rekayasa digital, Adobe,fotografi, Photography, Photoshop, Nature, Tribute, Fauna, Animal

3. Istirahat

Photoshop, the best photoshop edited, the best photography, the best photography 2013, simple, the best art work, the best art work 2013, the best design, the best studio, the best graphic, thebest design 2013, the best graphic design 2013, the best 2013, the best layout, layout, in design, facebook, facebook profile, photo profile, profile picture, trace, art, work, art work, desain terbaik, karya desain terbaik, karya desain terbaik 2013, grafis terbaik, desain grafis terbaik, grafis terbaik 2013, 
terbaik 2013, tata letak terbaik, tata letak, pp, facebook, profil facebook, foto profil, tracing, seni, karya, karya seni, karya desain, Adobe, Ai, Digital Imaging, Layout, Photography, Photoshop, Poster, Rekayasa digital, Adobe,fotografi, Photography, Photoshop, Nature, Tribute, Fauna, Animal

4. Si Cantik

Photoshop, the best photoshop edited, the best photography, the best photography 2013, simple, the best art work, the best art work 2013, the best design, the best studio, the best graphic, thebest design 2013, the best graphic design 2013, the best 2013, the best layout, layout, in design, facebook, facebook profile, photo profile, profile picture, trace, art, work, art work, desain terbaik, karya desain terbaik, karya desain terbaik 2013, grafis terbaik, desain grafis terbaik, grafis terbaik 2013, 
terbaik 2013, tata letak terbaik, tata letak, pp, facebook, profil facebook, foto profil, tracing, seni, karya, karya seni, karya desain, Adobe, Ai, Digital Imaging, Layout, Photography, Photoshop, Poster, Rekayasa digital, Adobe,fotografi, Photography, Photoshop, Nature, Tribute, Fauna, Animal

Tak tahu apa yang mereka sebenarnya lakukan tapi yang pasti jika dilihat lebih dekat akan lebih menarik. Kami hanya mencoba mengambil gambar yang manurut kami menarik. Itu saja, gak ada alasan lain.

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